SA Museum SA Museum

Libraries SA have begun to partner with the South Australian Museum to link  our collections. Through collaborating together, we can connect the wonder of the museum with further learning opportunities that our library collections and resources can offer to museum visitors.

Telstra logo Telstra Tech Savvy Seniors SA Program

Tech Savvy Seniors SA is a partnership between the Libraries Board of South Australia (through Public Library Services) and the South Australian Government’s Office for Ageing Well and Service SA.

Telstra is partnering with Government to give older people, particularly those in South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland the opportunity to develop skills and confidence to use technology.

Telstra is committed to ensuring that everyone can benefit from being online and connected to the digital world by giving older people, particularly those in regional and remote areas of South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to use technology for socialising, accessing important services or conducting personal business.

This partnership enables the delivery of free digital literacy training in public libraries located in country South Australia. Training encourages older residents to embrace digital technology and improve their digital skills.

The program delivers:

  • Greater participation of seniors in utilising digital literacy for their everyday life,
  • Greater participation of seniors in accessing government information, transactions and services online,
  • Greater confidence and skills necessary for seniors to actively participate in the digital community,
  • Greater increase of digital inclusion amongst the ageing helping to reduce social isolation.


SLSA logo State Library

The State Library of South Australia is the largest public reference library in South Australia with a collection focus on South Australian information and general reference material for information and research purposes.

The State Library :

  • provides information, research and referral services for the community,
  • actively collects, preserves and gives access to the state's documentary heritage (both historical and contemporary),
  • provides public programs which enhance the cultural life of the state,
  • provides support to South Australian public libraries network, and cooperate with other state and interstate agencies to enhance economic, educational and social benefits of the state.

Please note that our collections are not for loan and must be used on site. Some materials are available on inter-library loan; ask at your public library.

State Library Annual Report


Department for Education

The Libraries Board of South Australia is charged with providing leadership and direction which supports public libraries in South Australia. Collaborating with Local Government and the Department for Education, the Board established the School Community Library Program in 1975 to provide a public library service to rural and remote communities with a population of less than 5,000 people. There are more than 40 School Community Libraries across the State, and they form an intrinsic component of the South Australian Public Library Network.

As participants in the network, School Community Libraries provide students, teaching staff and the community with access to more than 4 million items as part of the innovate One Card network, as well as free access to the internet and a number of online databases and digital resources.

The School Community Library Handbook details the responsibilities of the various participants involved in School Community Libraries and provides for the operation of Joint Use Library facilities.  It is acknowledged that changes in government policies and relationships will affect details over time and that circumstances at individual sites will impact on the adoption of various, negotiable aspects of library operation.  The Handbook is currently under review and will be updated to reflect changes to the partnership arrangements over time.

SCL Guidelines 2014 (The Handbook)

In 2012 the Libraries Board commissioned a review of the School Community Library Program to identify issues, opportunities and emerging directions. The Review involved extensive desk research, consultation and service mapping with a wide range of stakeholders.  The recommendations contained in the review have been noted by the Board and are now the subject of ongoing discussions with the Board’s funding partners being the Department for Education and Local Government.

School Community Libraries Review 2012